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kevs poor glasses

Kev tossed his fragile shade on the dash and they shattered. Taylor turned them into pirate shades. He looks ridiculous.

flying fart

Nothing but flying farts at toot’s tavern. Joke too obvious? Don’t care.

cammy whaammy

This cute guy gets tired often. Needs his cat naps.

interesting read…


My special lady wrote something that I enjoyed thoroughly.

wood window

I call this photo “don’t worry dad, we are fine, I promise”.
This wood window is stronger than glass anyways, so unless you’re an axe murderer/robber or leatherface, good luck smashing this in. Ha.

cam cam noakes in heaven

Cam got lost in this record store in vancouver. He looks cute eh?

newly dating

Congrats cam and colin

the pre-banger years

Before kev keegan was a musical prodigy and well known metalhead-party-goer, he was like everyone else, a geek-wad.
But a cute one. I heard he had lots of recess girlfriends.

tays new hat

Taylor baught himself a new hat for his birthday. We warned him not to, but he insisted.

meeting famous people

On the ferry to victoria I meet a famous person. I am already friends with jaye from the cancer bats (who is famous), and we got to hang out with Deaner from the movie FUBAR (on the right)! He’s just as awesome in person as in his award winning* films.

*i made that up.